








Kindergarten in didactic and educational work innovatively implements the basic curriculum of preschool education, determined by the Resolution of the Minister of National Education. We create original scenarios of classes in mathematics and natural sciences
.In kindergarten there is a 5-day working week from 7.00 to 17.30, excluding public holidays and public holidays.
- 7.00-8.30 children come to kindergarten, free games, organizational and manager's activities
- 8.30-8.40 preparation for breakfast – cleaning and hygiene procedures
- 8.40-9.00 breakfast
- 9.30-10.00 Educational and motor classes
- 10.00 – 10.10 – preparing for meals
- 10.10-10.30 second breakfast
- 10.30-10.50 – classes on the basic curriculum – 5 and 6-year-old children, free and organized games – other children
- 10.50-11.45 stay in the fresh air – walks, excursions – nature observation, free and organized games in the garden, sports games and exercises that form the posture of the child, games held at the initiative of children
- 11.45-12.00 preparation of lunch – hygienic procedures
- 12.00-12.30 lunch
- 12.30-13.00 time for rest and rest
- 13.00 – 14.40 Educational activities
- 14.40-14.50 – preparation for lunch tea
- 14.50-1515 afternoon tea
- 15.15-16.00 Games and outdoor games discussing the events of the day with children
- 16:00 – 17:30 farewell to the day in kindergarten – free games in the room or outdoors, cleaning, separation of children
The kindergarten is located in a quiet area of Łódza, away from the main city arteries. Our advantage is the convenient location, which is well connected to the city center. In kindergarten there are playgrounds adapted to the needs of our pets. They are equipped with many garden appliances and toys:
- Swing
- Slides
- Sandbox
- Cottages
- Carousel
- "mud kitchen", which is the most popular among children
We offer an education model that provides:
- The knowledge gained by the preschooler is formed in the process of the child's own cognitive activity based on the experience they already have.
- The child's internal motivation is a much stronger incentive to learn than external factors.
- We believe that a prerequisite for the realization of our recognized values is to respect the personal value of the child as much as possible, which does not threaten health and freedom
- Each of us, children in particular, functions in three aspects: body, mind and emotions. The harmonious development of each of these aspects contributes to a sense of cohesion and satisfaction in life.
- The child is equal to an adult. The only difference between a child and an adult is that the child feels less. Responsibility for the relationship with the child rests with the adult.
- Everyone has creativity, and kindergarten creates a climate for the development of this potential
Kindergarten cooperates with the organization of catering "I am so jam", which delivers dishes to our institution, prepared in accordance with the recommendations of the Institute of Nutrition and Nutrition. Professor Med. Oleksandra Shchedla in W
arsaw The purpose of our kindergarten is to create an environment in which we can best develop our desired values.
Additional classes as part of tuition fees:
- Encoding
- Robots,
- Chess
- classes with Lego blocks,
- arithmetic on soroban,
- English
- Italian
- culinary workshops,
- Yoga
- experience in the field of natural sciences,
- TUS-learning social skills
- Correctional gymnastics
Periodic classes in tuition fees:
- Theatre
- classes in the library,
- entertainment in the game hall,
- study trips (museum, Konarzewo, EC1, etc.)
Additional classes – paid:
- kindergarten – sports activities with a ball,
- Plasticity
- Music
- the logoped.
The pillars of our institution are mathematics and natural sciences and artistic activity.
- We know that the starting point in the process of knowing the surrounding reality is sensual cognition, experience has an advantage over concepts.
- The main method of work is the experience and method of the project, which holistically covers this issue.
- Children work in small groups,
- We do not judge because judgment leads to competition, not cooperation. Therefore, we do not have penalties or rewards.
- Art education is the most complete way to continuously build and nurture one's own uniqueness, and we implement it in accordance with the following principles:
- * the creation process itself is important, not its product.
* The child should not worry about his skills, for example, when drawing himself, she must choose what color or shape they will use, she should know that what they do makes sense and that they are not judged for it,
* the child should be able to create spontaneously, must be convinced that the variability of his ideas is accepted,
* The child must be sure that he knows most about what is creating, that no one knows his thoughts.
Promyczka staff consists of people who, in addition to their pedagogical qualifications, relationships with children are based on openness and trust. This allows us adults to systematically analyze our work. Thanks to this, we develop our individual skills. The obvious consequence of this is the development of the entire object.
We respect the independence of the child, which excludes the use of any concept of education, which means for us that we do not raise children according to any chosen ideal. According to Carl Rogers, the authenticity of people working with children is a basic requirement for the staff of our institution. Teachers and teachers work on their own development, so that their relationships with children are based on openness, intimacy, and trust.